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Interview with Walter Herrmann ... how it all began
K2022 Interview with Thomas Herrmann and PlasTV
K2019 interview with Thomas Herrmann and Guido Marschall – BONDING MORE THAN MATERIALS
Next level softness for your premium products – get it done with ultrasonic!
Ultrasonic Welding for High Voltage Cable & Terminal | HiS VARIO W | Herrmann Ultrasonics
Herrmann Ultrasonics TSM sealing through contamination
Chief Meets with Rescued Orphan Years Later in Heartwarming Reunion | Chicago Fire | PD TV
Tire Cutting
Conversations With Sound Artists: Cinema Sound Design and Film Editing (Part 1) | Podcast | Dolby
The benefits of ultrasonic welding (interview with Astrid Herrmann)
Hermann Göring (Brian Cox) - You Are A Jew (Scene From "Nuremberg")
Herrmann Ultraschall auf der FAKUMA 2014 zum Thema Funktionsintegration